By: Krystle Zara Appiah
TLDR: This book follows Efe on her journey through adolescence into adulthood, and Sam her best friend (and eventual husband). Their relationship – like most – brings twists and turns. The age-old question returns: Can a relationship work when people want entirely different things out of life? This gets a “recommend” because I was in literal tears at the ending – even if not entirely surprised by it.
The Longer Review:
The book starts with a jolt; Efe is gone and Sam has no idea where she went. He can’t get a hold of her; he only knows that she’s left him with their 4-year-old daughter, Liv. Each chapter of this novel is part of a countdown, though to what exactly you’re not sure.
Efe’s been through a lot – her childhood was far from picture-perfect. So it comes as no surprise to the reader that she’s not all that interested in becoming a mother. When Efe does eventually find her place in the world as an agent to artists and an employee of an art gallery, she’s not thrilled to learn that she’s pregnant. Sam, however, has dreamt of building the family he never had. Efe knows how much a baby means to Sam – her teenage best friend – so with his promises of support agrees to something she expressly stated she never wanted. The typical challenges of parenthood are combined with each of their personal and professional challenges to create the perfect storm.
It was interesting to read the opposing perspectives, to understand each of them completely, and to still hope that this couple could make it. I really enjoyed the character development, and how real each one of them seemed. Again – I fully sobbed at the end of this story. Give it a read and let me know what you think!