By: Bonnie Garmus
TLDR: You will not regret spending time with this novel. The characters and story lines are so relatable that you’ll find yourself wishing that you were friends. It’s a story about the struggles of females in the ’60s, about non-traditional families, and about finding community in unexpected places.
The Longer Review: This novel inspires hope and courage through it’s protagonist – Elizabeth Zott. A chemist, a mother, a survivor, a feminist, Elizabeth is uniquely and un-apologetically true to herself through all the trials and tribulations that so many women of her time suffered. As you follow her journey from student to working professional to mother to TV Personality (yes, there are some fun twists), you find yourself not only rooting for her, but inspired and utterly charmed by her.
Elizabeth’s story begins like so many others. She’s a student aspiring to be a Chemist, when life hands her an experience that changes her plans. When she begins her career, life hands her another surprise in the form of falling in love with Calvin Evans – a famous Chemist in his own right. Elizabeth handles the sneers and judgement about her relationship with the notorious Evans, but the surprises keep coming. Ultimately, Elizabeth becomes the picture of perseverance, and subsequently this story gifts us so many other wonderful and charming characters.
There are also some really fun, relatable tidbits as it pertains to work. One of my favorites was a bit that said “Idiots make it into every company. They tend to interview well”. I will personally be referring to that as a mantra when I’m frustrated at work. Another was about the excuses we as a society give ourselves for the status quo, when really we have the power to improve things.
I’m so grateful that I decided to pick this one up. I love a book that leaves me feeling hopeful that there’s more possibility in this world than the news or social media may have us believe. If not us, then who? If not now, then when?